Sunday, August 15, 2010

A cool game

Today I played an online game called third world farmer. In the game, you have to buy and make a profit from crops and livestock. You have to keep a virtual family alive as they buy tools, seeds, and other stuff like insurance, roads, and animals. As you can see from the screenshot, I wasn't doing too well.
Even still, I liked it a lot, because it has realistic scenarios for that area such as civil wars and disease,but you can start over, so you don't ever feel too bad.  I hope you try
it out.


  1. Interesting game! I didn't know about this one. My middle school students would love this (I'm a teacher in St. Petersburg, Florida. My class already loves games like Free Poverty and Free Rice. Have you played those? I have students that beat me at Free Poverty and it drives me crazy! Keep blogging!
